
Drupal Module: CSS JS Total Control is here to rescue the themers


When we create themes in Drupal, there are great number of reoccurring tasks that we have to do like adding IE conditional comments, remove or replace some core or contributed modules CSS/JS files to prevent conflict with the theme, putting some JavaScript at the bottom of the page or even adding inline CSS or JS files. The module which i'm going to introduce, makes it possible to take care of all those tasks and even more with no special knowledge and no programming.

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NEW Drupal Module : Entity Soft Delete (Entity Recyclebin/Trashbin)


In multi user systems, it's usually much safer not to let users change the contents entirely in case there was a mistake or when it was needed to know what has changed by whom and revert the change if required. Drupal supports content revisioning and there are already some contributed modules that exploit this extremely useful feature like revisioning. However when it comes to content deletion, revision system can no longer be used because when a content is deleted, it gets removed from database entirely including all its revisions.

Entity soft delete module has been developed to address this limitation.

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NEW Drupal Module : Hook Post Action


Currently Drupal core does not offer any hook to do actions after a node/entity is inserted/updated/deleted in Database. So for example you can not send an email mentioning the node after the node is inserted because Drupal uses SQL transactions and the node is not yet fully written to database when hook node presave is called so if for any reason the transaction is rolled back, users will receive a false mail.

So Hook Post Action module introduces several new Drupal hooks to overcome this limitation

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Yet another method to simplify making multipage/multistep Drupal forms


In Drupal there are many different methods to turn long forms into multipage/multistep forms. The most known one is perhaps the great ctools module or even custom solutions using Drupal’s form API. However as you may agree with me none of these solutions are really that easy, specially when it comes to Ajax. Therefore many developers in Drupal community tried or still trying to find an even easier method. What I’m going to introduce to you is yet another magical method :).

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Drupal Module : Calendar Systems needs your help


Calendar system requires a very tiny core patch to fully work, The patch was already proposed to core by a fellow developer, so i rewrote it to meet core requirements and set it to needs review (Thanks to Gaelan and wuinfo for helping in completing the patch). The good thing is that the patch is not only for Calendar Systems it's a generic patch that introduces a new hook to make it possible for third-party modules to alter format_date function. If we can get it into core it might even be possible to back port it to Drupal 7

You can read more about the history of calendar system module and even what a calendar system is


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Doing it in Drupal way : Merging all slider modules


While ago i was looking for an slider module (implementation of JQuery UI slider module), surprisingly i couldn't find any solution except jSlider Form API which wasn't exactly what i was looking for. So i did what every good Drupal developer does, I wrote a generic slider module and shared it on (jQuery UI Slider Field). I even implemented "jSlider Form API" features.

Several months later and after i published several new minor versions, one of the users mentioned that there is in fact another slider module similar to mine!! SliderField and it was quite old too. He suggested joining forces to prevent duplicate modules. and that's what i did and even more.

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Drupal Module : image_style_argument


Drupal has a very powerful image manipulation UI, so why write code when we can easily use that for any purpose?! The problem is we can't! The reason is image manipulation UI only accepts one argument which is the source image. All other parameters and options are static.

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What's my job!!!


It’s funny that whenever someone asks me what I do it takes me few seconds to respond. And the answer I give not at all describes what I do! I usually say I work in the computer field! Or I produce software!! But why ?

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Getting ready for my fifth software development team


It was several years ago when i started assembling my first software development team, although i didn't have the experience i have today it was a success and the team delivered the expected result. Back then i didn't have any well thought work-flow and my decisions were mostly based on each particular case and experience. today however it's quite different and i take these task very seriously.

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Is Linux as Vulnerable to Virus attacks as is Windows


In the past few years i read and heard many times that the reason for Windows' vulnerabilities and specially virus attacks is simply because much more computers are running it and it could have been the same for Linux (aka GNU/Linux)!.

First of all i'm glad that this kind of discussions are pupping up so often these days, because it means that Linux's user base is increasing and it attracts more attention everyday. However this point of view also shows its authors' limited understanding of how GNU/Linux and Open Source community work. GNU/Linux is NOT WINDOWS, yes they're both operating systems but they have many fundamental differences. Lets highlight some of these differences  and see how they affect the main topic of this article.

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