July 2010

Is Linux as Vulnerable to Virus attacks as is Windows


In the past few years i read and heard many times that the reason for Windows' vulnerabilities and specially virus attacks is simply because much more computers are running it and it could have been the same for Linux (aka GNU/Linux)!.

First of all i'm glad that this kind of discussions are pupping up so often these days, because it means that Linux's user base is increasing and it attracts more attention everyday. However this point of view also shows its authors' limited understanding of how GNU/Linux and Open Source community work. GNU/Linux is NOT WINDOWS, yes they're both operating systems but they have many fundamental differences. Lets highlight some of these differences  and see how they affect the main topic of this article.

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Another way to mirror two folders under Linux & Windows


There are many tools and utilities for syncing files and folders, and yet there are even more. In this tutorial i'll introduce you to several reliable free command line and visual utilities for mirroring a folder into another folder.

This tutorial was originally part of another article but i came up with a much better solution for that one and there was no longer any need for this part so i decided to publish it as separate tutorial. It's not unique but all the same some people may find it useful.

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Importing SVG to Photoshop, OpenSource is here to help


SVG is a standard format for vector graphics, Most modern browsers support SVG out of the box. But there is a problem! How to make and edit SVG files?!

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a family of specifications of an XML-based file format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics, both static and dynamic (i.e. interactive or animated).

The SVG specification is an open standard that has been under development by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999.

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