We upgraded PHP to 5.6 on our Linux server today, and i'm satisfied with the result :)
IMO PHP 5.4 trait feature worth all the troubles of upgrading an object oriented PHP code base

Linux Shell Bridge (Passing variables from scripting langauges like PHP to Linux Shell)

Sys Administration

It might sound strange at first but i must say that it's very useful specially if you have shell scripts as part of your application. Usually For making this scripts as automated as possible there should be a way to reuse the application's configurations (ips, passwords , etc) and not having to update a separate configuration file whenever anything changes in the application. It's not limited only to this and can be used to pass any kind of variables.

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Sorting two dimensional array like query result by sub array's key in PHP


PHP offers dozens of functions for sorting arrays, but unfortualey non of this functions support sorting by sub-key's value out of the box. It's very useful when you want to sort the result of a query by an specific column.

Sample :

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PHP's forward compatible version compare


Sometimes the code is forward compatible, for example when it's compatible with all future PHP5 releases, put PHP's version_compare function does not support this (Perhaps because they know that they always break compatibility with every minor release!!!). This function supports .x, for the above example it's : 5.x

It's also shared here

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Unix like smart recursive file/folder copy function for PHP


PHP's file system manipulation functions are not as complete as they should be specially when it comes to manging recursive folders. For addressing part of this issue i decided to write a smart function which can handle recursive file/folder copy easily.

As you may have noticed there are feature that i didn't have time to implement , so if you have time to extend this function please notify me as well :). It's also shared here

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Alpha support for PHP's imagecopymerge function


I've just checked PHP's issue tracker and a core developer says that this function (imagecopymerge) was never meant to support alpha channel! and they refused to commit the provided patch! so ridicules Anyway i tried rodrigo's workaround and it worked quite well, thanks rodrigo for sharing it. I came up with another idea which is much faster than his solution, (it may need a little bit more memory)

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Update/Upgrade/Install XAMPP (LAMPP) modules by Compiling

Sys Administration

This article is not finished yet and it might not work for you at all, if you're still interested you can subscribe to its rss so you will be noticed whenever i update it.

XAMPP source code

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PHP5 and Exception handling




Quite some time ago i dropped php4 support on all of my projects and started thinking how i can benefit from PHP5 new features specially the new exception handling system. due to the fact thatPHP4 had no official exception system, programmers had to come up with their own way for handling exceptions properly , one this solutions was PEAR ERROR which i think was very useful, and i think that even thought PHP5 developers no longer need that technique it still can be used for better code quality in various circumstances.

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