- New post: Is Linux as Vulnerable to Virus attacks as is Windows — 14 سال 28 هفته قبل
- New post: Another way to mirror two folders under Linux & Windows — 14 سال 29 هفته قبل
- Too many short sessions today, i feel exhausted #in — 14 سال 29 هفته قبل
- Writing stupid useless but absolutely necessary technical documentation for a govermental contract!!! #in — 14 سال 29 هفته قبل
- Firefox 4.0 Beta3 is out, Coooool! #in — 14 سال 30 هفته قبل
- Here is why we love OpenSource #in — 14 سال 30 هفته قبل
- PHP Dev Team keeps breaking backward compatibility between minor releases!! Lack of an independent foundation is quite clear #in — 14 سال 30 هفته قبل
- It's based on OpenOffice but they don't want release the source code! disappointing :( #in — 14 سال 30 هفته قبل
- IBM lotus symphony looks good! it works under Linux ,Windows and MacOS and support RTL. I may decide to switch #in — 14 سال 30 هفته قبل