Drupal's Acquia Marina Theme version 1 patched!

In Drupal it's possible to overwrite and extend a theme using sub-themes! So i usually create an special theme for my site as a sub-Theme of a base theme and try to put all the site specific things to that theme instead of the base theme, although it's tricky! and sometimes i have to spend hours finding a workaround for not completely implemented features but i think it worth it. Because this way i can patch the base Theme in order to fix the bugs and add new features and then contribute back all this change back to the community :)

Update : If you want me to have a look at your issue, please send a comment and include the issue link in Drupal.

In Drupal it's possible to overwrite and extend a theme using sub-themes! So i usually create a custom theme for my site as a sub-Theme of a base theme and try to put all the site specific stuff to that theme instead of the base theme, although it's tricky! and sometimes i have to spend hours finding a workaround for not completely implemented sub themming features but i think it worth it. Because this way no only i can easily update the base theme but also i can patch the base theme in order to fix bugs and add new features and then contribute all this changes back to the community :)

Currently i'm using Acquia Marina as base theme on my website, I've found several bugs on this theme. fixed them and sent the patches to its issue queue. This time however i wasn't so lucky because Acquia Marina's developers are quite busy with the next major version of their awesome theme and none of the maintainer seems to have time to review and commit this patches. So I decided to share the patched version of this great theme with the community.

The attached version which you can find at the bottom of this page contains the following changes :

There is also several issues on the issue queue for version 1 which i'll try to review and add to this patched version :

Link to the original project

