
Linux Shell Bridge (Passing variables from scripting langauges like PHP to Linux Shell)

Sys Administration

It might sound strange at first but i must say that it's very useful specially if you have shell scripts as part of your application. Usually For making this scripts as automated as possible there should be a way to reuse the application's configurations (ips, passwords , etc) and not having to update a separate configuration file whenever anything changes in the application. It's not limited only to this and can be used to pass any kind of variables.

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How to mirror/sync a remote ftp folder with a local folder

Sys Administration

lftp is one of the best utilities currently avaiable for working with ftp servers.

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How to find Linux bash script path (Self Path)

Sys Administration

Writing smart programs using bash script is not easy, there are many issues along the way and one of them is what i'm going to describe here.

Sometimes it's require for bash scripts to know their location, for example when they are part of a package and there are other require files (on the same location) for them to run properly, and it's also not possible to change the path to where they're located simply because they also need the current directory.

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How to dump all MySQL databases into indivisual files at once

Sys Administration

I had to move 264 databases from one Linux server (Fedora) to another (CentOS), hard copying /var/lib/mysql wasn't a good idea because version of two MySQL databases were different and i had to repair all the tables after move so i decided to write a very short and usefull bash script.

It dumps all the databases but each database into a different file :

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