
Google acquires reCaptcha


I'm using reCaptcha on my website, and it's a very feature rich and easy to use captcha. and i just noticed that Google is accurring reCaptcha, they want to use it to index old books and newspapers which are difficult to read by computer.

What does that mean?

It means that whenver you enter the text version of the captcha you're seeing , you're actually also helping Google to convert books into text for free!

Read the whole story...



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My site's new update


I've upload a new version of my website yesterday , it has several new features :

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How to dump all MySQL databases into indivisual files at once

Sys Administration

I had to move 264 databases from one Linux server (Fedora) to another (CentOS), hard copying /var/lib/mysql wasn't a good idea because version of two MySQL databases were different and i had to repair all the tables after move so i decided to write a very short and usefull bash script.

It dumps all the databases but each database into a different file :

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Old comments , Old memories


I managed to review, approve, cleanup all the old comments today. It was very inspiring reading visitors' and friends' opinion about me , my (old) website and my posts after all this years. Unfortunately many of my friend's blogs are no longer available due to the Persianblog's disappearance, wish if i could find them again.

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My Site, Twitter & Facebook


I can now update both Twitter and Facebook through pidgin at once. and also my website is also connected to twitter.
So basically :
Twitter -> My Site
My Site -> Twitter -> Facebook (I'm about to test this once right now)
Pidigin -> Twitter -> Facebook

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بالاخره وبلاگم فعال شد (bleach_001.jpg)

بالاخره وبلاگم فعال شد (bleach_001.jpg)This image was uploaded with the post بالاخره وبلاگم فعال شد.

My weblog is up and running


After about 3 years, i've decided to start blogging again :). It's going to be much more than just a blog actually.

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Is Windows 7 really much better than Vista


The short answer is NO!

Couple of days a ago i discovered a very amazing bug in Windows Vista, after searching for a fix on the internet i realized that many pople have the same problem. And not only it does not have any fix currently but also it's exists also on Windows 7 (And all Vista based operating systems like  Windows Server 2008 etc).

 Rest of the story : 

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IE8 Story : Is microsoft a complete lier?!


One of my colleagues sent me this link : Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts. And after reading for few seconds, i said that oh my God. how shameless! what a lies!

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Firefox memory leak and how to fix it?!


At first let clarify that Firefox memory leak has nothing to do with Firefox itself. as a matter of fact firefox itself is perfectly find and also very fast.

The root of all memory issues with firefox is Add-ons (Extensions) ,and i'm going to share my personal experience in solving this problem.

What is memory leak?


What we need?

- Status bar extended moudle

- A module for listing installed modules

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