
Sorting two dimensional array like query result by sub array's key in PHP


PHP offers dozens of functions for sorting arrays, but unfortualey non of this functions support sorting by sub-key's value out of the box. It's very useful when you want to sort the result of a query by an specific column.

Sample :

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How to mirror/sync a remote ftp folder with a local folder

Sys Administration

lftp is one of the best utilities currently avaiable for working with ftp servers.

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How to find Linux bash script path (Self Path)

Sys Administration

Writing smart programs using bash script is not easy, there are many issues along the way and one of them is what i'm going to describe here.

Sometimes it's require for bash scripts to know their location, for example when they are part of a package and there are other require files (on the same location) for them to run properly, and it's also not possible to change the path to where they're located simply because they also need the current directory.

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My site's comment system has integrated with social networks


I've integrated my website's comment system with social networks like facebook, twitter , etc.

Doing so has several advantages for both me and the visitors :

  • Keeping track of the sent comments
  • Having them on your favorite social network service
  • Sharing content and comments right inside the social network site
  • Not having to enter captcha , name , email ,etc because comments will be attached to your account on other sites.
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Drupal's Acquia Marina Theme patched version!


In Drupal it's possible to overwrite and extend a theme using sub-themes! So i usually create a custom theme for my site as a sub-Theme of a base theme and try to put all the site specific stuff to that theme instead of the base theme, although it's tricky! and sometimes i have to spend hours finding a workaround for not completely implemented sub themming features but i think it worth it.

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Upgrading Drupal 5 to Drupal 6, Part 2


Drupal 7 release is close, not too close ofcourse Drupal's community still has a long way to go. Too many awesome feature included in Drupal 7 require quite some polishing.

But i think it's time to start planning for Upgrading our Drupal 5 site to Drupal 6. I only have one site left with Drupal 5 , it didn't worth upgrading before but today after i used upgrade status to see the status of the contrinbute moduels i used on this site, they've either upgraded , included in Drupal 6 or replaced by better alternatives.

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Get the latest Linux Kernel news in the simplest way


Linux Kernel is the heart of the opensource movement, because it allows users to have a complete open source operating system. With every release it brings lots of cool new features to the Linux community. Although it's very important piece of software, propely the more important the any other software in open source community it's unknown to many users. The are two reasons for this.

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PHP's forward compatible version compare


Sometimes the code is forward compatible, for example when it's compatible with all future PHP5 releases, put PHP's version_compare function does not support this (Perhaps because they know that they always break compatibility with every minor release!!!). This function supports .x, for the above example it's : 5.x

It's also shared here

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Unix like smart recursive file/folder copy function for PHP


PHP's file system manipulation functions are not as complete as they should be specially when it comes to manging recursive folders. For addressing part of this issue i decided to write a smart function which can handle recursive file/folder copy easily.

As you may have noticed there are feature that i didn't have time to implement , so if you have time to extend this function please notify me as well :). It's also shared here

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