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بازبینی Ergonomic Office از پ, 1389-01-05 12:20



Ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment, and workplace to fit the worker. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability. read more...



A website dedicated to carpal tunnel symtoms : http://www.carpal-tunnel-symptoms.com/

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

A techniue to protect against Carpal tunnel syndrome

I personally recommend it


Guesture Based : http://www.mgestyk.com/faq.html


for reducing mouse clicks

For Linux ?

opensource alternative but not as good as that : http://www.mousetool.com/ergonomic-software-for-linux.html


Keyboard / Mouse

Mouse and keyboard together (totaly new technology) :http://www.keybowl.com/

keep hand on the same gesture and also massages them : http://dictionary.zdnet.com/definition/ergonomic+glove.html

Several useful devices : Backshop Healthy Computing


Brain based! :

Connect your mind directly into your computer

OCZ’s brain mouse : Forget about QWERTY and mouse now!

Software based :

One of the best alternatives to mouse and keyboard are speech recognition softwares. They have a long way to go yet but according to my personal experience they're very useful and can reduce mouse and keyboard usage to almost half once you get use to them. One of the best softwares avaialbe now days is Nuance - Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech Recognition Software i tried it myself and i recommend it if you're interested in this solutions


My favorite : HeadLine: In the Office: Vitra.com

What features an ergonomic char should have ?


Voice programming :

Notice : voicecode.iit.nrc.ca team is rebuilding their website so it's no longer accessible, alternative link is http://web.archive.org/web/20080213071927/voicecode.iit.nrc.ca/VoiceCode...

امتیاز شما: خالی میانگین: 2 (7 رای)