نکات ایجاد

قالب های ورودی:
  • Filtered HTML:
    • ادرس های صفحه وب و نشانی های پست الکترونیک به طور خودکار به لینک تبدیل می شوند.
    • Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd>

      This site allows HTML content. While learning all of HTML may feel intimidating, learning how to use a very small number of the most basic HTML "tags" is very easy. This table provides examples for each tag that is enabled on this site.

      For more information see W3C's HTML Specifications or use your favorite search engine to find other sites that explain HTML.

      توضیح برچسبتایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      لینک ها برای اشاره به صفحات دیگر به کار می روند.<a href="https://sina.salek.ws">سایت رسمی سینا سالک</a>سایت رسمی سینا سالک
      تاکید شده<em>تاکید شده</em>تاکید شده
      ذکر شده<cite>ذکر شده</cite>ذکر شده
      متون کدشده برای نمایش کد منبع برنامه به کار می روند<code>کد</code>کد
      لیست نامرتب - <li> را برای شروع هر ایتم لیست به کار ببرید<ul> <li>اولین ایتم</li> <li>دومین ایتم</li> </ul>
      • اولین ایتم
      • دومین ایتم
      لیست مرتب - <li> را برای شروع هر ایتم لیست به کار ببرید<ol> <li>اولین ایتم</li> <li>دومین ایتم</li> </ol>
      1. اولین ایتم
      2. دومین ایتم
      Definition lists are similar to other HTML lists. <dl> begins the definition list, <dt> begins the definition term and <dd> begins the definition description.<dl> <dt>عبارت اول</dt> <dd>تعریف اول</dd> <dt>عبارت دوم</dt> <dd>تعریف دوم</dd> </dl>
      عبارت اول
      تعریف اول
      عبارت دوم
      تعریف دوم

      Most unusual characters can be directly entered without any problems.

      If you do encounter problems, try using HTML character entities. A common example looks like &amp; for an ampersand & character. For a full list of entities see HTML's entities page. Some of the available characters include:

      توضیح کاراکترتایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      بزرگتر از&gt;>
      کمتر از&lt;<
      علامت نقل قول&quot;"
    • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.
    • Allowed HTML tags: <a> <blockquote> <br> <cite> <code> <dd> <div> <dl> <dt> <em> <li> <ol> <p> <span> <strong> <ul>
  • Smart content:
    • Linodef

      Linodef is a filter for internal links. It uses a simple but unique markup so Linodef doesn't interfere with other filter modules.
      The ID of a node or of a taxonomy term and optionally a fieldname are the solely elements stored in your text. One advantage of this method in comparison to similar filter modules is the fact that the links don't break if you change the node title or term name. Furthermore, if you change the title of the node or the value of a field or the name of a term then those are automatically updated in your text, too.

      Embed elements

      To embed elements into your text, prepend the element ID with the hash key # and surround them by brackets []: [#ID]. That way a node title is inserted and linked. To embed the content of a field, add the field name: [#ID:field_name]. Moreover it is possible to add a field value number in the case you have a field with multiple values and want to use a different value than the first: [#ID:field_name:number].

      The syntax is as following:

      توضیح برچسبتایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      Embed node title and link to the node.[#ID]node title
      Embed field value and link to the node.[#ID:field_name]field value
      Embed field value and link to the node.[#ID:field_name:field_value_number]certain field value of a multiple values field

      Example for nodes and fields:

      We have a node with id=8 and a title Perry Rhodan. It contains a multiple value field called firstnames. The first value is Gucky, second is Atlan. Note that the field value numbers start at 0, so first value has number "0", second has number "1" etc. If the node has a path alias then the link contains this instead of the default drupal path (the examples are limited to the default paths).
      تایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      [#8]Perry Rhodan

      Alter embedding by tag options

      Options set the ID type (embedded element type) and the embed method. They are entered right after the ID or the field settings and are separated by a comma. The number of options a tag can have is not limited.

      توضیح برچسبتایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      Embed an element with options.[#ID,option1,option2="optionvalue",...]Depends on the options used.
      Embed a field value with options.[#ID:field_name,option1,option2="optionvalue",...]Depends on the options used.
      Embed a certain field value with options.[#ID:field_name:field_value_number,option1,option2="optionvalue",...]Depends on the options used.

      Example for element (ID) type and modification options:

      Here we use the modification "nolink" to have an output without a link to the element and the ID type option "tid" to embed a taxonomy term instead of a node. The taxonomy term has the id=5 and the name Jupiter. If the term has a path alias then the link contains this instead of the default drupal path (the example is limited to the default path). Furthermore we have a node (optional option "nid") with id=5 and the title Kallisto.

      تایپ می کنیدمی گیرید

      Use comments to flag your tags for editors

      Comments act as an indicator for Linodef tags, to describe your tag for yourself or other editors. A comment can be inserted inside the tag prepended with a space and it may consist of all UTF-8 characters except the closing bracket ].

      Comments are visible only during editing and never appear by viewing a text. The nature of comments is that they must not modified automatically and therefore will not change unless you change it. This is important to understand since the content the tag displays can change automatically and so the comment may be outdated. So try to use a common description.

      توضیح برچسبتایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      Use comments to give information about the tag during editing.[#ID comment]node title
      Comment a field content.[#ID:field_name:field_value_number comment]node title
      Comments work together with options.[#ID:field_name:field_value_number,option1,option2="optionvalue",... comment]Depends on the options used.

      Create links with own linktext

      Use the option "linktext" to create links to elements using a custom text: [#ID,linktext="your Text"]


      تایپ می کنیدمی گیرید
      [#8,linktext="your Text"]your Text
    • ادرس های صفحه وب و نشانی های پست الکترونیک به طور خودکار به لینک تبدیل می شوند.
    • Syntax highlight code surrounded by the {syntaxhighlighter SPEC}...{/syntaxhighlighter} tags, where SPEC is a Syntaxhighlighter options string or "class="OPTIONS" title="the title".

      Example: {syntaxhighlighter brush:php;collapse:true;first-line:50;highlight:[57,81,101];class-name:'some_class some_other_class'}...{/syntaxhighlighter}

      This will syntax highlight PHP code, initially collapsed, start line number at 50, highlight lines 57, 81 and 101 and tag highlighted code with class names some_class and some_other_class.

      See the Syntaxhighlighter javascript library site for additional helps.

    • Every instance of "[toc ...]" in the input text will be replaced with a collapsible mediawiki-style table of contents. Accepts options for title, list style, minimum heading level, and maximum heading level, and attachments as follows: [toc list: ol; title: Table of Contents; minlevel: 2; maxlevel: 3; attachments: yes;]. All arguments are optional.
  • Plain Text: