
We're using VMware as our virtualization solution for about 5 years, except hardware compatibility it's great.But we may give KVM a shot too

Home Office


Is it possible to work at home, and have a small office of your own?

The answer is yes, actually it's easier and cheaper than you might think. in this project i'm going to describe each component.

Fax :

  • Editing and viewing windows fax (TIFF) files is possible using irfanview or xnview (this one tested)

Softwares :

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One of the projects has been finished finally!


I just finished one of the projects that i've been working on for more that a month.  I've done some great things in this project that i want to write about them here. 

1. One of the developing issues that i wanted to solve for such a long time is Difficulty of implementing websites with AJAX. If you're a programmer you definitly know that  it's not easy. But why?

There is few important reasons :  

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