February 2010

Firefox on Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu and Adobe Flash Player issues


After installing Firefox 3.6 on my Kubuntu using repositories here i realized that it can no longer play flash contents! I did a little bit search and found this solution. Unfortunately it didn't fix my problem so i decided to run firefox from terminal in order to see what's really wrong.

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Upgrading Drupal 5 to Drupal 6, Part 1


I think it's a perfect time and perhaps the last change to start planning for safely upgrading our good old Drupal 5 websites to Drupal 6 (If any remained), Drupal 5 will be deprecated as soon  Drupal 7 final comes out. Some module maintainers already removed Drupal 5 releases from their projects which is a trouble for website running Drupal 5.

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Linux Shell Bridge (Passing variables from scripting langauges like PHP to Linux Shell)

Sys Administration

It might sound strange at first but i must say that it's very useful specially if you have shell scripts as part of your application. Usually For making this scripts as automated as possible there should be a way to reuse the application's configurations (ips, passwords , etc) and not having to update a separate configuration file whenever anything changes in the application. It's not limited only to this and can be used to pass any kind of variables.

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